Frequently Asked Questions
What is the VHCC?
The Van Hornesville Community Corporation (VHCC), founded in 1938 by Owen D. Young, is a nonprofit corporation whose mission is to promote the well-being and well-doing of the inhabitants of Van Hornesville and the near neighborhood.
How does the Board work to fulfill that mission?
The VHCC attempts to monitor policies and events at the local and state level that might affect the village and its affairs. Officers and directors have attended state-sponsored meetings on rural affairs and are in regular touch with school officials and the town board. The corporation does not take positions on political questions; it must, by law, be non-political. But this does not prohibit our keeping up with what's going on around us.
What kinds of activities does the VHCC sponsor?
The VHCC sponsors a variety of seasonal events, including popular music concerts on the village green in the summer and decorating the village during the holiday season. We also make grants to the School for scholarships and the superintendent's discretionary fund, and provide a home for the Van Hornesville Food Pantry.
How can I become part of the Van Hornesville Community Corporation?
There are currently about 85 members, a majority of whom live in the village or nearby. They include farmers, business owners and executives, contractors, teachers, writers, and artists.
The corporation welcomes new members who would like to have a say in how this community looks and functions, and to work to maintain and improve it. To Join, see the Membership page.